Computer Science
(Kindergarten to Grade 12)
The Fundamentals of Computer Skills and Coding
Simply learning how to use a computer, while tough, is no longer at the heart of navigating our high-tech world. At Knowledge Bump, we teach students the central ideas of computer science and programming, from how to create an Excel spreadsheet to creating a loop in Python. By expanding on technological literacy abilities, we prepare students for competitive academic fields and orient them in an otherwise difficult professional world that counts computer skills and programming among its most desirable talents.

Our Approach
Through one on one tutoring and mentorship, we help students make sense of the often overwhelming suites available for classroom and professional workspaces. From designing short programming exercises to assigning tasks that take advantage of Microsoft office’s capacities, we help students develop the skills that will lead to success both in the classroom and beyond.
Individualized plans are always designed with each student in mind - that's why we meet with you and your child first, so that we can get a better understanding of what they need to feel more confident along their learning journey.
It's also why every first session is free - we're so confident in our services that we don't accept any payment for the first session, letting you decide whether or not you'd like to continue with our program!

Some Examples of the areas of research that inform our programming for Reading and Writing include:
Computer programming, archival research, computational rhetoric, algorithm and data analysis, qualitative and quantitative research approaches, media studies, algebra and variables